
Umbraco Development

We are a trusted partner of renowned Open Source CMS, Umbraco. This lightweight, extendable and intuitive platform is suitable for projects of all sizes. Its flexibility gives us the freedom to deliver solutions that scale to you.

About Development

We are a trusted partner of renowned Open Source CMS, Umbraco. This lightweight, extendable and intuitive platform is suitable for projects of all sizes. Its flexibility gives us the freedom to deliver solutions that scale to you. We have a dedicated Umbraco Development team available to work with you on your next big project.

We are a small team of strategists, creatives, and developers who are available to help you. For over 15 years we have been creating intuitive digital platforms, with a wide range of benefits such as: friendly interfaces, future proof technology, and thorough security penetration testing.

About Umbraco

Umbraco is an Open Source CMS and cloud solution built on the .NET framework. Inspired by the principles of Scandinavian simplicity, the Umbraco platform is a blank canvas with the power to integrate and extend however you need. As leading developers, we know this is the ideal way to start out building any digital space. The fluidity of the digital world is just that; it needs to remain fluid. With Umbraco, we have the ability to both create and maintain our clients’ digital environments as needs change. And we know they will.

The Umbraco Development ecosystem is built upon various layers of dedication, expertise and curiosity. First and foremost, the system is based on the company professionals at Umbraco HQ. The most influential layer, however, is the highly skilled open source community of over 200,000 Umbraco users. Alongside this, there’s the dedicated, worldwide partner network that we ourselves at dotcraft are proud to be a part of. This unwavering community of experts is always looking for ways to improve and expand the Umbraco platform, ensuring your CMS is kept up-to-date. It does all this while providing unparalleled access to the latest tools, extensions and packages any digital space could ever need.

Our Leading Umbraco Agency

dotcraft are an Umbraco development partner. Our team of certified Umbraco developers are committed to delivering solutions in line with best practices, ensuring each platform we create remains fully supported by the CMS.

The flexibility and extendibility of the Umbraco platform gives us the freedom to craft a digital solution tailored to your requirements. We can design your user experience around any necessities, including ecommerce functionality, CRM modules and APIs. No matter what your end goal is, we’ll make it happen with Umbraco’s extensive level of digital creation flexibility.

Umbraco’s lightweight model supports our agile development methods, meaning we can release new features and functionality quickly. The efficiency standards we’re able to uphold due to the dexterity of Umbraco’s system are often central to the potential of any online experience.

Our Umbraco platforms are intuitively designed and easy to use, with a friendly UI and Integrated Editor Workflow. All these features and more, have been designed to help you update and maintain content as your business evolves. below we share some of the benefits as to why we’re so passionate about the possibilities Umbraco has to offer.

Umbraco Development Benefits

Our dedication to creating stunning digital experiences means we’re always on the lookout for new ways to create. Umbraco continues to impress us here at dotcraft, as well as our many clients over the years. With its easy to navigate platform, intuitive editing system and flexible agility, Umbraco is the only open source CMS we truly believe can do it all.

  • Maximum user accessibility
    Creating platforms centred on user accessibility is at the heart of the Umbraco experience. The very nature of digital design itself is to harness the power of tech in ways that suit the user. We make the most of each accessibility possibility, creating websites that are both easy to use and innovative.
  • Editor friendly interface
    We know content is king for many of the brands we work with. That’s why Umbraco is our go-to CMS. Their editor friendly interface is the lightest we’ve seen, allowing your content developers to flourish as they navigate their tasks.
  • Customisable Backoffice
    We can tailor the backend of your Umbraco experience to suit the specific roles of each of your staff. Minimal confusion, while making workflow easier for everyone. We can personalise the interface to suit exact preferences, leaving more time for editors to create quality content. We only include the tools you’ll actually use, leaving extra space for the important stuff.
  • Future proof flexibility
    The ability to add and extend the features of your workspace provides boundless potential. As your Umbraco developers, we can ensure the needs of tomorrow are met with just the click of a button. Don’t rely on your workforce to remember every new tech law or company guideline that’s released. We’ll make sure they don’t skip a thing. Umbraco also knows that we can’t predict the future. That’s why their CMS is entirely flexible, so we can add and adjust whenever needed.
  • Thorough penetration testing
    As a CMS dedicated to the security of all those who utilise it, Umbraco are diligent with all their privacy and safety commitments. On top of this, they have an external security company conduct a thorough penetration testing exercise every 6 months. This ensures that not a single blip ever gets past the security standards of each platform we create.
  • Seamless updates
    As we use Umbraco, all the web designs we create can be seamlessly updated without limitations. Whether you need to scale up, re-think or completely transform your online platform, we can do it. Our favourite CMS is made to suit businesses and organisations of all sizes and purposes, from 10 user enterprise foundations to nationwide healthcare websites. Umbraco’s ever-evolving nature means updates to the CMS itself are also made easy, instantaneously improving UX.
  • Continuous open source developments
    Umbraco is an open source CMS, meaning it’s maintained by a community of developers rather than one sole company. The benefits of this are boundless. Each developer has the ability to improve the functions offered by the CMS, while any bugs are almost instantaneously spotted and swatted away. All the while, Umbraco and the developers that use it, retain the ability to edit any code that’s integral to the safety and security of your site. This means it’s constantly evolving, never going backwards. We make the most of this, embracing new Umbraco features as they develop.

Find Your Umbraco Developers

As a digital platform agency ourselves, we use only the best tools available to developers out there. Our years in industry as experienced digital creatives means we know a good CMS when we see one – for us, that’s Umbraco.

Utilising each and every one of the benefits Umbraco offers to developers and the end users that visit each site, we’re able to create the platforms that have been integral in our clients’ success. It looks like you’ve found your Umbraco developers! See what we dotcraft can do for you.

Umbraco is a cloud-based open source content management system that allows for seamless editing and gives users a personalised digital experience. With a variety of packages and installs, and an intuitive interface, Umbraco has a very low barrier to entry allowing you to generate effective campaigns with minimal training. This system is built using the dot NET framework from Microsoft.